
White Hole by MouHoo

White Hole by MouHoo




Mouhoo(Hu Zhewei)
山西省大同市生まれ、北京在住。LIANZHOU FOTO 2010やGet It Louder 2012などに参加。彼女は様々なメディアを駆使し、モノを取り巻くオーラを感じ取り、モノや形の持つ力を掘り起こし、個人と外界の不思議なつながりを追い求めている。
* Mouhoo(モウフー)はアーティストネームで、本名はHu Zhewei(フー・ジェウェイ)。


"I stumbled upon a seed in a canyon in the northeast of Beijing. It jumped out from the crisscrossing vines, the seed pods are two arcs touching each other like a parenthesis () and hangs high on the branch like an eye looking at me. There is a moment, I can even feel its’ sight towards me hit my sight towards it. In that dusk of the late autumn sunset, I decided to devote a long time to experience the world within the (). It is a secret visit with respect. I did not inquiry any information of the seed, I’d rather meet the unknown of it with my photography instinct."


Mouhoo(Hu Zhewei) born in ShanXi Datong, now works and lives in Beijing. Her works were participated in LIANZHOU FOTO 2010 and Get It Louder 2012, etc. She applied various media to sense the aura surround the objects, excavate the power of the object and the form, and chasing the mysterious connection of the individual and the external world.