
A Slow Boat to China by Koji Onaka|尾中浩二「去中国的漫船」

A Slow Boat to China by Koji Onaka|尾中浩二「去中国的漫船」



2004年3月21日 晴れ

尾仲浩二の写真家人生において船は重要な意思であり、鉄道よりも船が好きだという。 尾仲の写真家人生と同じように、船には決まった航路がなく、水上を自由に漂っている。
本作『A Slow Boat To China』も、尾仲浩二の代表作でもある『Slow Boat』と同じく、村上春樹の短編小説『中国行きのスロウ・ボート』へのオマージュとして、船というアイデアをタイトルにしている。 ーージャズ好きなら、村上春樹の小説が1948年のフランク・レッサーのヒット曲「中国行きのスロウ・ボート(On A Slow Boat To China)」を引用していることにお気づきだろう。
中国を訪れた際のカラー写真70点を収録。 尾仲浩二の写真日記も収載されている。

March 21, 2004 Sunny
I bought a hundred rolls of film and a large suitcase before going to Shanghai.

Boat is an important intention in Koji Onaka's photographic career, and he says he prefers boat to railroad. Boats have no fixed routes and float freely on the water, just as Koji Onaka did when he was taking photographs.

This book "A Slow Boat To China", co-published by Jiazazhi and Place M, which pays homage not only to Koji Onaka's own black-and-white masterpiece "Slow Boat", but also to Haruki Murakami's short story "A Slow Boat To China." -- Jazz lovers might have noticed that Haruki Murakami's novel references the 1948 Frank Loesser's "On A Slow Boat To China".

This book contains 70 color images from Koji Onaka's visit to China from March 21 to April 23, 2004. 20 years later, Koji Onaka realized that the color negatives from his time in China had begun to fade, and before the negatives completely faded, he enlarged them on expired photographic paper to produce these images of China, or to freeze our collective memories on photographic paper.  The book also includes Koji Onaga's photo diary, which is worth reading.