
Pool Journal 2 by JZZP

Pool Journal 2 by JZZP



「Pool Journal」は、中国の小さな都市や村に、現代アートや文化がどのように影響を与え、どうその地域や文化が育っていくかを考える小さな雑誌です。「地方文化」を特集し、現代社会のあり方に注目します。


このような光景や言葉は毎日のように見受けられるが、人々の「現場」に対する理解は本当に同じなのだろうか? これには大きな疑問符が必要だ。逆に、言説の収束は人々に警戒心を抱かせる。田園再生の背後にある同じ建築美、お茶を淹れるストーブを囲む「新しい中流階級の生活」、田園に入る芸術の空中展示。"田園に入る "ことが絶え間なく噴出している今、私たちはより浅はかな思考をしているのだろうか、それともより“安易”に仕上げているのだろうか。

15 x 23 cm, 152 pages, Softcover, Chinese 

Pool Journal is the small magazine that cares about contemporary art and culture how to impact and raise up in small cities towns villages in China. Featuring "local culture," this magazine focuses attention on the state of contemporary society.

"Go to the field," the theme of this issue, in just a few years this sentence has become a slogan. With the surging tide of information, people flock to the faraway"fields". Organic agriculture, agricultural economy, rural renewal, or any kinds of fashionable theorical "grafting" has become a battleground.

Although such scenes and words occur and appear almost every day, is people's understanding of the field really the same? This needs a big question mark. On the contrary, the convergence of discourse makes people alert: the same architectural beauty behind the revitalization of the countryside, the "new middle-class life" around the stove to cook tea, and the airborne exhibition of art entering the countryside. At the moment when "entering the field" is constantly erupting, are we thinking more shallow? or finishing more "easy"?